April 2024 Newsletter
The nets went up on March 31 and the courts opened for play on April 1– the earliest ever for this to happen! We actually had 6 bookings to launch the season! Bravo!
April is the “gearing up” month when our activities get organized. Here’s your homework:
- Check out the Round Robins page because we are doing things a bit differently this year.
There are daytime round robins every day of the week– all free and organized by a coordinator who will schedule the games weekly or monthly. You do not need a partner, but you do need to register your interest. Most of the round robins are “friendly competitive” which means that pairings are random and you change partners frequently.
Monday Evening Competitive Round Robin is geared toward our club’s better players – those on STF teams and those who really want to test their skills and get ready for the club tournaments later in the season. The self-rating guide can help you decide if you are a good candidate for this program.
Thursday Evening Open Round Robin will welcome novice players in the “gentle” session and work them into the rotation with more seasoned players.
Once you have registered, you will be contacted by the coordinator regarding your availability. The coordinators will communicate by email and will maximize your chance to play, whether you are available every session or only once in a while.
While it is possible to register for round robins at any time, please register by April 22 if you wish to participate in a round robin in May.
2) STF Teams will begin play in May, so it is important to register for one of the teams this month. Reserve April 27th, 11-12:30, for adult team tryouts. The Doubles Clinic on May 26th is a great way to improve your game. Those interested in competing on a junior team should notify Mark or Jared.
3) Opening Day Extravaganza takes place on Saturday, April 27th (rain date Sunday, April 28th). There is a fun morning of volunteer work -all hands on deck to get the windscreens installed and the club cleaned up. Juniors are welcome and can earn volunteer service hours. The tryouts for STF adult teams take place from 11-12:30. There is a bbq lunch and then a friendly round robin for all ages. It’s a free event, but please register so we can plan accordingly. Come for all or part of the day. If you are a new member, this is a great way to meet us.
Policy Change: Please note that we have a new insurer this year and learned that the use of privately owned ball machines by members presents a hazard that would invalidate our liability coverage. Consequently we cannot allow their use at our courts.
Thanks for reading, and as always, our mailbox is open for questions and suggestions:mailto:guildwoodtennis@gmail.com