Our most active ladder was the Singles Open 3.5+. Several matches were played over the summer. Ending in first place is Mike DeVries, followed closely by Gerald Choy, John Dolphin and Fabiano Cream. Other participants in this ladder were Victor Lo, Shivang Panchal, Sriram Seshadri, and Aly Surani. Well done, everyone!
The other active ladder was Novice Singles 2.0, but with only two entrants, it is hard to declare a winner. The two participants were Prashant Jain and Devon Pierre. We hope to see more activity next season. A ladder works best when there are at least 4 participants.
Do we want to continue with ladders next year? What categories do you, the members want? Should we add a doubles ladder? Should there be a trophy or prize for the winners? Send your feedback to guildwoodtennis@gmail.com.